E. L. Parker & Co.: Importers And Dealers In Tin Plate, Block Tin, Hoop And Sheet Iron Zinc, Wire, Spelter, Solder, Rivets, &c. Tinners' Tools And Supplies Stamped, French And Japanned Ware, And House Furnishing Goods Of This Class Generally, &c., Baltimore 1868
ISBN: 9781087812373
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Founded in 1849 and in business through the turn of the century, E. L. Parker & Co. of Baltimore, Maryland was a major importer and wholesaler of tin plate, sheet iron and related metals, General Store hard goods and Tinners (Tinsmith) tools and machinery.“It’s reputation and sales are widespread and it has important connections in England, as well as with the best firms of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee.” Baltimore: It’s History And It’s People. Vol. II Biography, page 335.
Gary Roberts, Toolemera Press publisher, returns to print classic books on early crafts, trades and industries. All titles are produced from the originals in his personal collection.
More Trade Catalogs From Toolemera Press
Founded in 1849 and in business through the turn of the century, E. L. Parker & Co. of Baltimore, Maryland was a major importer and wholesaler of tin plate, sheet iron and related metals, General Store hard goods and Tinners (Tinsmith) tools and machinery.
“It’s reputation and sales are widespread and it has important connections in England, as well as with the best firms of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee.” Baltimore: It’s History And It’s People. Vol. II Biography, page 335.
Gary Roberts, Toolemera Press publisher, returns to print classic books on early crafts, trades and industries. All titles are produced from the originals in his personal collection.
More Trade Catalogs From Toolemera Press