Hand Craft: An English Exposition Of Slojd by John D. Sutcliffe 1890 ISBN: 9781522921899

Hand Craft: An English Exposition Of Slöjd by John, D. Sutcliffe 1890

Hand Craft: An English Exposition Of Slojd by John, D. Sutcliffe 1890 ISBN 9781522921899

ISBN: 9781522921899

Hand Craft: An English Exposition Of Slojd, by John, D. Sutcliffe, 1890, is a scarce and important text for practical use by both the student and teacher of the Slöjd (Sloyd) manual arts education system.

"For some generations there has been cultivated in Sweden, and amongst Scandinavian and kindred peoples, a course of training in personal ingenuity, unknown in most other countries... Such a course or system of training is called Slojd... The nearest equivalent in English to the Swedish word Slojd would seem to be Hand-Craft, or mechanical training for the hand."

Gary Roberts, Toolemera Press publisher, returns to print classic books on early crafts, trades and industries. All titles are produced from the originals in his personal collection.