North Bros. Yankee Bench Drills Adverts

The Famous North Bros. Yankee Bench Drills #1003 and #1005 Adverts

North Bros. Yankee Bench Drill Press

North Bros. Yankee Bench Drill Press

Easily one of the most sought after of bench top hand powered drill presses, the North Bros. Yankee Self Feeding No. 1003, single speed and No. 1005, two speed Bench Drill Presses were the top of the line tools as most North Bros. Yankee products were. Still prized and used today, if you come across one, grab it. I used to have the 1005 and it was a beast.

Davistown Museum history: North Bros. Mfg. Co., Philadelphia PA, 1880-1946

These adverts are from an early 20th century issue of The Carpenter, the magazine of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBCJA). You can read through the entire online archive of past issues at the University Of Maryland digital library.

The Carpenter Magazine

Till next, Gary