Illustrated Catalogue And Price List Of The Baldwin Tool Co's Premium Bench Planes And Moulding Tools, Middletown, Conn. 1858
Illustrated Catalogue And Price List Of The Baldwin Tool Co's Premium Bench Planes And Moulding Tools. Middletown, Conn. 1858
This illustrated trade catalog of woodworkers wooden planes has an interesting history. I purchased a box of heavily damp, smoke and carbon damaged paper from a Savannah, Georgia ephemera dealer. Most of the material was not salvageable. This catalog, a few bill heads and a carriage makers broadside survived. The dates of the bill heads stopped at the beginning of the US Civil War and and began again just after the end of the war. According to the dealer, she found this box of paper along with other items in the attic of a Savannah hardware store that dated to before the war. We surmised that the hardware store closed during the war and reopened shortly after. Sadly for me, by the time I knew of her, she had sold most of the material from that attic.Note that the catalog title page mentions Bench Planes and Moulding Tools. Not Moulding Planes, but Moulding Tools.
The pdf consists of those pages I was able to salvage.