Emmanuel F. Seybold Planemaker Cincinnati Ohio invoice to Jones & Rammelsberg Cabinetmakers - Wooden Planes - Rhykenology

Emmanuel F. Seybold Planemaker, Cincinnati, Ohio - invoice to Jones & Rammelsberg, Cabinetmakers

Emmanuel F. Seybold Planemaker Cincinnati Ohio invoice to Jones & Rammelsberg Cabinetmakers - Wooden Planes - Rhykenology

Over at Facebook there is an interesting group devoted to E. W. Carpenter, planemaker and inventor. E. W. Carpenter And Other Lancaster Country, PA Planemakers

A recent post by by Todd Hostetter relates to a new relationship between Carpenter and E. F. Seybold, a Cincinnati, Ohio plane maker reporting on research into a business relationship between the two.

In my archives is an invoice from E. F. Seybold to Jones & Rammelsberg, Cincinnati, Ohio cabinetmakers. The smaller image is of the remainder of a cover sheet that accompanied the invoice.

Emmanuel F. Seybold Planemaker Cincinnati Ohio invoice to Jones & Rammelsberg Cabinetmakers - Wooden Planes - Rhykenology

There is a ledger book of Jones & Rammelsberg held in the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library that quite fortunately the library has provided a pdf of the ledger book for public perusal and download. Included in the ledger are references to business with Seybold.

An account book of Jones and Rammelsberg, merchants dealing in furniture, cabinetry, lumber, et cetera, 1842-1844